Should You Brush Before Or After Breakfast? Tips For Healthier Teeth
Caring for your pearly whites starts with great at-home habits. If you have ever noticed other’s teeth that look absolutely amazing, while others not so much, there is a noticeable trend as to how a person gets a fabulous smile, and that is staying vigilant on cleanings both at home and in the dentist’s chair. One of the age-old questions, should you brush teeth before or after breakfast , has been debated and the solution has been found. Keep reading to find out a few tips and tricks that can improve the appearance and health of your smile. Morning Brushing Perhaps one of the most unpopular times for people to interact with others is right when the wake-up. While some people aren’t morning people, their sunny disposition isn’t the concern. Instead, it is bad breath. Almost no one wakes up with a pleasant smelling breath. Some will awaken to flavors of something that had at dinner the night before, while others might have an underlying dental problem that causes a less than fresh sce...